Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

As someone who falls into that amorphic spectrum of "young adult" or "Generation Me" or "Generation X" or whoever culture is telling me I am, I'm fully aware of how information gets out there. I do most of my information-harvesting on the internet. Nothing new there. As a former reporter, I also know that blogging has really changed how people are fed their information. The internet has drastically changed the newspaper business to the point where we're seeing newspapers with more advertising (to compensate for loss of subscription money) and smaller size papers (again, a cost-saving strategy). Staffs are shrunk and the news itself is based on what stories will sell more papers.
I'm not knocking newspapers. That's how I got my start in what we call "the real world."
I'm also not knocking the internet. Heaven knows how much time I spend on the internet all the time, whether it's chatting up a storm with friends back home or getting the blitzkrieg of information from CNN headlines.
I do, by the way, check the obits in my home paper online religiously every day. Morbid? Nay. Necessary. It's how I find things out that people wouldn't think to tell me.
Hi. I'm Pastor Becki. And this is my blog.
It's a ministry tool, really, where I'll be posting a new blog entry once a week. Topics will be all over the place, from things going on in the church where I'm currently serving (names omitted or changed) to Christ in Culture to...well, anything else that I think is important to document. Think of these as mini-sermons.
For my parishioners, that doesn't mean you get out of Sunday worship. :)
But my goal is to write blog entries that people can connect to. I want to start conversations. I want to find out how powerful a blog can really be for outreach. It's sort of experimental in a way. I've been asking myself a lot lately, "what draws people to church?" So that's going to be my first blog entry. Well...second blog entry. My first blog entry is what you're reading now.
Welcome to my blog :)

**Please do not solicit on my blog. I'm not looking to start a revolution or finish a debate. I'm here to put in my two cents with the rest of the part of the world that keeps a blog. Do not leave hate-messages, but do feel free to comment if you disagree. Just be prepared to tell me why :) We can always agree to disagree. I reserve the right to delete your comment if I think it violates me or my beliefs in any way.

I wish you peace and love.
--Pastor Becki

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